This is Nevada and her fiance, Ryan. Let me tell you a little something about Nevada. Nevada was one of two (count 'em...two) Type B personalities in our dental hygiene class. She is really laid back. And fun. And easy to be around. And she was the calming force in a class of crazy, uptight, tooth-scraping girly girls. She. Is. Fabulous. So, when she asked me to do her wedding photos, I jumped at the chance because, let's face it, I'll probably be more stressed out on her "big day" than she will be. She'll be calming me down (not a joke).
Anyway, we got some fun engagement pictures this past weekend of her and her lover boy. They like to kiss a lot, as evidenced below. But they're in love so it's completely and totally warranted. And I'm going to be real with you, it kind of made me want to get married again (to Jason, of course). Thanks, Nevada and Ryan for making my job so easy--and for playing along with my crazy ideas!
Anyway, we got some fun engagement pictures this past weekend of her and her lover boy. They like to kiss a lot, as evidenced below. But they're in love so it's completely and totally warranted. And I'm going to be real with you, it kind of made me want to get married again (to Jason, of course). Thanks, Nevada and Ryan for making my job so easy--and for playing along with my crazy ideas!